Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Favourites at Sufdome SS13 store

If you haven't seen the Surfdome Summer Store for SS13, then click here but if you have then lets proceed. I took some pictures of pieces at the press event that had me at hello. Let's get the drum rolls as I unveil them.

These roller skates are to die for. I prefer the leopard one though

Volcom bikini set - <3 <3

Triwa and Nixon watches

Triwa watches

Forgot to check the brands of these because the pineapple kept distracting me (Pineapple is my favourite fruit)
Lacoste Shoe. This is a men's piece but i don't mind having it for myself. So nice.
Every time I look at this bag i fall right back in love again with it. It is so beautiful and it is a Clarks SS13 piece.

I found this very interesting because it is from Billabong (very unusual from this brand)

I am drawn to this backpack because it has all my favourite colours

What do you all think about my picks?

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Scoop of SS13 @ Surfdome

So my work twin and I went to Coffin On Cake Press Day event to view what Surfdome has planned for Summer Spring 2013 (SS13). I must objectively say that we are heading the right direction. The collection was amazing, sporty brands got in touch with their fashion-dressy sides.

Lovely Amie had to stand all day for this event. I am loving the colour of the wet-suit on the model 

Kids mini session 
Love the JanSport backpack
Love the striped bikini set

In my next blog I have selected individual pieces I love in the Surdome Summer Store.. Click here for it

What do you guys think about this store collection? Are you as excited about SS13 as I am?

Monday, 22 October 2012

A Beginning

How can I begin to explain this blog? CLUELESS comes from the fact that I neither have an idea of the direction of this blog  nor do I know what I intend to feature from time to time in it. I am interested in various things and want the flexibility to be able to write about anything I feel like. RANDOMS comes from the fact that since I am clueless, then I intend to feature unplanned and non-specific things. Makes me think about life in general, ... just clueless randomness that happens to us as we go through it.